Monthly Archives: August 2021

Under the Wig – William Clegg QC

William Clegg QC has been involved in some of the most high profile criminal trials of recent times including the acquittals of Colin Stagg and Barry George and the conviction in the case of Joanna Yeates’ murder. In this book he tells the stories behind some of these cases as well as some background into life as a Barrister moving up the ranks and how the criminal justice system works in England.

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Filed under 4.5 Star Review, Non-Fiction Reviews 2021

Freckles – Cecelia Ahern

Allegra Bird, nicknamed Freckles thanks to the covering of freckles she inherited from her Dad, has moved away from her family and friends to start a new life in Malahide but when a stranger makes a throwaway comment that everyone is the average of the five people they spend the most time with she really takes it to heart, even more so when she realises she doesn’t really have five people. This sets her off on a quest to find her five who can help her become the person she wants to be.

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Filed under 4.5 Star Review, Fiction Reviews 2021, NetGalley

Blindsighted – Karin Slaughter

The last thing Sara Linton, Paediatrician and Medical Examiner for Grant County, expects to find when she goes to the bathroom in her local diner is a dying woman and despite her best efforts it’s too late to save her. Professor Sybil Adams has been brutally attacked with two deep knife wounds to her stomach forming a cross but once Sara carries out her full examination the true extent of the horrors visited on her are realised and when another girl is found with injuries consistent with having been crucified Sara and her ex-husband, Police Chief Jeffery Tolliver, realise they are dealing with a violent sexual predator turned serial killer. Can they stop him before he is able to hurt anyone else?

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Filed under 5 Star Review, Fiction Reviews 2021, Grant County Series

The Phantom Prince: My Life With Ted Bundy – Elizabeth Kendall

Elizabeth Kendall was in a relationship with Ted Bundy for 6 years, most of which time she had no idea of the level of evil the man she loved was capable of. In this book she reveals details of what their relationship was like and how she came to terms with the horrific crimes he committed.

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Filed under 4 Star Review, Non-Fiction Reviews 2021, true crime

Shuggie Bain – Douglas Stuart

Set in Thatcher-ravaged Glasgow, “Shuggie Bain” is the story of the eponymous Shuggie and his struggle growing up as a boy who was “different”; Shuggie’s Mum, Agnes, and her descent further into alcoholism, feeling wronged by every man who crosses her path; and Shuggie’s siblings, Catherine and Leek, who deal with their Mother’s problems in their own ways, each desperate to escape the life they’ve been born into.

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Filed under 5 Star Review, Fiction Reviews 2021

July Round Up

July has been a fairly quiet reading month for me but it’s definitely been a case of quality over quantity. I read 4 books, totalling 1,639 pages but every single one was a 5 star read, I’ve been so lucky with my choices this month.

She Said – Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A Faint Cold Fear – Karin Slaughter ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We Ride Upon Sticks – Quan Barry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Blackout – Various ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I do appear to have lost all self control when it comes to book buying though. After reading “A Faint Cold Fear” I downloaded the whole rest of the Grant County series for my Kindle. I started the month with 56 books on my tbr and I’m ending it with 64 books on the list! I’m really going to try and exercise a little self control now and particularly would like to at least try and get that number back to under 60 by the end of August.

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