Monthly Archives: January 2019

‘Salem’s Lot – Stephen King

Author, Ben Mears returns to the small Maine town of Jerusalem’s Lot to write a book based on the history of the town and the goings on at the haunted house on the hill but what happens when he gets there is more horrific than he could ever have imagined.

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Filed under Fiction Reviews 2019

Carrie – Stephen King

“Carrie” is the first book by Stephen King and tells the story of Carrie White, a young girl with telekinetic powers, and what happens when a person like that is pushed to the edge.

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Filed under Fiction Reviews 2019

Manhunt – Colin Sutton

“Manhunt” is the true story of how DCI Colin Sutton led the team that brought serial killer, Levi Bellfield, to justice.

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Filed under Non-Fiction Reviews 2019

Sour Candy – Kealan Patrick Burke

“Sour Candy” has one of the best teaser lines ever, “Four months to the day he first encountered the boy at Walmart, the last of Phil Pendleton’s teeth fell out.”

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Filed under Fiction Reviews 2019